Best Superhero Costume

Best Superhero Costume Of All Time

Everyone has their idea of who has the best superhero costume. Some prefer Marvel, some fans swear by DC. But we can all agree that superhero costumes in comics and movies have become better and better – especially with the technological advances in CGI and in costume design. What passionate fans are less likely to agree on is who has the best superhero costume ever, and why. And that’s why this post is going to be so much fun, true believers.

Best Superhero Costumes, Ranked

Diving right in, this exhaustive list of the 25 Best Superhero Movie Costumes of All Time is unique in that it includes not only superheroes from Marvel and DC, but villains, too. It’s an excellent read for any fan, and while we may not all agree on the specific variation of the #1 spot, we really believe that #21 deserved a much higher spot.

Switching mediums to the printed page, the list changes significantly. Free from restraints of what’s achievable in the real world, artists let their imaginations run wild to create some of the best superhero costumes that belong on anyone’s list.

Best Superhero Costume in Movies and Comics

Best Marvel Superhero Costume

Marvel Comics is well known for creating some of the most beloved characters with complex storylines that people can relate to. For MCU fans that love to see how these superhero costumes translate to the big screen, check out this list from Buzzfeed that examines 22 Marvel Superhero Costumes Ranked From “It’s Not For Me” To “I Would Sell An Infinity Stone For This”. The list has an excellent balance of make and female characters, in a fun writing style for anyone to enjoy.

Marvel Comics fans might prefer this Top Ten list from While #1 is no surprise, we’d have personally ranked #5 a little higher at Hero For Hire.

Best DC Superhero Costume

DC is well known for their iconic costume designs that have stood the test of time, and in many cases defined the very concept of superheroes. Harkening back to the Golden Age of comics, DC’s artists have created some of the absolute best superhero costume designs. For fans of the DCEU, this Top 10 list from promises to be a hotly debated topic. While we at Hero For Hire don’t agree with #1, we certainly wouldn’t want to be the ones to inform the person that ended up at the bottom of this like – yikes.

Let’s turn to the hand drawn world of DC Comics, where there are no limitations of what’s achievable in the real world, no CGI and no padded muscle suits. This list of the 10 Most Iconic DC Superhero Costumes in comics promises to be polarizing for true fans. In our opinion, the top 2 will be greatly debated as to which should have had the top spot on this list.

The outcome

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably looking for concrete proof of which superhero costume is the best. You surely have your opinion, and we know you’re passionate about it. And you deserve a definitive answer.

But there really isn’t one.

The truth is, the best superhero costume is the one that inspires you. The one that takes your breath away and opens up your imagination. Maybe it’s high-tech armor that catches your eye. Maybe it’s the costume that translated best from the comic to the big screen. Maybe it’s the simple spandex suit that you remember idolizing in your youth as you re-enacted epic battles of good versus evil. Maybe it’s the one you drew the most as a kid.

That’s the beauty of these pop culture sensations – we can all have our very own list of the best superhero costumes. So whatever the reason you’ve chosen as you did, embrace your choice as the right one. And don’t let anyone else tell you different.

For us, we’re still arguing over the top spot between Spider-Man and Batman.