Realistic superheroes

Realistic superheroes make all the difference at live events

Using realistic superheroes can elevate your live events to the next level. When a brand or event offers immersive superhero encounters that are more realistic, some amazing things start to happen. First, the guests (usually your customers or donors) immediately associate the level of quality and authenticity to your brand or product. Second, they share their experience to their networks as new brand ambassadors.

Conversely, they also form a long-lasting association if they experience a low quality encounter. Which is why it’s so critical to provide the most realistic superhero encounters possible.

Top 4 benefits for offering Realistic superheroes

Here’s how realistic superheroes result in amazed and engaged, generating positive reviews and increased social media buzz.

1. Increased Attendance

According to studies, events with more realistic superhero encounters have a 20% increase in attendance compared to events with low-quality superhero encounters. So, if you want to draw a crowd and leave them awestruck, be sure to look for entertainers with the most authentic, highly detailed costumes and movie quality props.

2. Positive Reviews

Attendees are more likely to leave positive reviews for events when they’ve had a unique and believable experiences. That won’t happen if your superheroes are wearing costumes from a local halloween supply store or carrying toys as props. Don’t risk one star reviews from disappointed guests… be sure to deliver realism and authenticity and watch the 5 star reviews pour in.

3. Increased Social Media Engagement

People are bored with the same old event themes. So why not deliver a once in a lifetime, visually stimulating experience? According to a study by Hubspot, social media posts with images receive 94% more views and engagement than posts without images. Why? Because people can’t wait to share their realistic superhero selfies on social media! And that leads to increased engagement and interest for future events 👍

4. Realistic superheroes improve Brand Reputation

Authentic and immersive superhero encounters demonstrate your commitment to excellence, and that connection is immediately made to your event, brand and products.  When attendees have a positive experience at an event, they’re more likely to become loyal customers and advocates for your brand, leading to increased attendance and revenue. And that won’t happen if you don’t wow them.

You only get one chance to get it right

Hero for Hire offers Toronto’s most realistic superheroes. can have a significant impact on the success of your event. Contact us today, and let us show you how we can help deliver increased attendance, positive reviews, increased social media engagement, all while helping augment your brand reputation at your next live event.